Journey AI

Journey AI


Journey AI

Generated by AI —— Journey AI

Journey AI is a groundbreaking product that revolutionizes the customer journey mapping process. With its advanced AI capabilities, Journey AI is designed to analyze your raw customer research and generate comprehensive journey maps within minutes. This eliminates the need for weeks-long manual mapping processes and allows you to gain deep insights from vast amounts of customer data without the fear of information gaps or bias.

One of the key advantages of Journey AI is its user-friendly interface. The intuitive platform makes it easy for anyone to leverage the power of AI and generate accurate journey maps. Whether you're a product manager, designer, or researcher, Journey AI empowers you to make better-informed decisions for delivering exceptional customer experiences.

Using Journey AI is simple. You can either paste your raw transcripts and Miro/Mural post-its directly into the platform or upload a file (.txt) for analysis. Rest assured, your data is 100% private and never stored, shared, or used for training AI models. Privacy and data security are our top priorities.

By leveraging the cutting-edge AI technology, Journey AI slashes your mapping time by a staggering 85%. On average, traditional journey mapping processes take 74 hours, but with Journey AI, you can complete the same task in just minutes. This time-saving feature allows you to focus on what really matters: delivering exceptional customer experiences.

Journey AI takes your text-based research, ranging from sticky notes to surveys, and uses it to create unbiased journey maps. By directly analyzing the customer feedback, Journey AI ensures that the generated maps are based on real insights and not influenced by biases. This enables you to make customer-centric decisions and align your strategies with their needs and expectations.

The unique strength of Journey AI lies in its ability to contextualize vast amounts of customer research at lightning speed. You no longer have to manually sift through mountains of data to extract meaningful insights. Journey AI does it for you, allowing you to make outside-in decisions effortlessly. Customer insights are brought to the spotlight, empowering you to create experiences that truly resonate with your target audience.

Journey AI operates through a three-step process: Map, Maintain, and Reveal. First, import your customer conversations and let Journey AI generate custom journey maps for you. Second, as you add new data, Journey AI adapts and updates the maps in real-time, ensuring your strategies always reflect the latest customer needs. Finally, with Opportunity Reveal, Journey AI analyzes the insights and reveals the highest impact opportunities for your business.

Don't just take our word for it! Arnas Levickas, a Senior Product Manager, shares his story of how Journey AI revolutionized his user research process. The game-changing ability to instantly visualize user interviews and extract actionable insights has transformed the way he works.

Your data security is of utmost importance to us. Journey AI utilizes a combination of open-source and third-party models. The third-party models, provided by OpenAI, are stored on a private cloud exclusively for your use. All your workspace data is stored and processed within the European Union, ensuring the highest level of security and privacy.

To address any concerns you may have, we have also provided a detailed Frequently Asked Questions section. This section clarifies that your data will never be shared with third parties or used to improve AI models for other customers. We prioritize the privacy and confidentiality of your information.

Journey AI supports analyzing and categorizing customer research conducted in languages other than English. While the generated insights are provided in English, the original language used by customers is retained in direct quotes.

Experience the power of Journey AI and unlock the true potential of your customer research. Sign up today and witness the transformative impact it can have on your decision-making process and customer-centric strategies.

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Key Features of Journey AI

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    Fast journey mapping process

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    Contextualize customer research

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    Custom journey maps generation

Target Users of Journey AI

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    Product managers

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    Customer experience managers

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    Market researchers

Target User Scenes of Journey AI

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    As a product manager, I want to generate journey maps from raw customer research in minutes so that I can quickly gain insights and make data-driven decisions

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    As a customer experience manager, I want to reduce journey mapping time by 85% so that I can focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences

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    As a market researcher, I want to contextualize masses of customer research at super speed so that I can make outside-in decisions and improve customer-centricity

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    As a product manager, I want to analyze and categorize customer research in multiple languages so that I can understand customer needs and preferences across different markets.